縞田 理理Riri Shimada

漫画原作に「台所のドラゴン」 作画:みよしふるまち 全4巻がある。
東日本大震災チャリティアンソロジー”KIZUNA fiction for Japan”(ISBN-13 : 978-1466223172)に”Five short Twitter novels”を寄稿。
Riri Shimada was born in Tokyo. She made her debut in 2001, winning the Editor’s Prize at the Wings Novel Award. She writes light novels for all ages and genders, with many works blending science-fictional elements into fantasy or urban fantasy settings. Her representative works include the Kiri no hi ni wa ranon ga mieru (You Can See Lunnainn on Foggy Days) series, Fūbaniakoku ibun (the Tale of Foobania), the Mireniamu no tsubasa (The Wings of Millennium) trilogy, and the Monsutāzu Paradaizu (Monsters in Paradise) trilogy. She also wrote the manga Daidokoro no doragon (Dragon in the Kitchen), illustrated by Miyoshi Furumachi (4 volumes). She contributed to the fund-raising anthology for the Great East Japan Earthquake Kizuna: Fiction for Japan, with her short story “Five Short Twitter Novels.”
You Can See Lunnainn on the Foggy Days
The tale of Foobania
The Wings of millennium
Monsters in paradise
The Impostor Luca & a black Monster
Immortal detective Service
Dragon in the kitchen
Troy & Eli
- https://twitter.com/tanpuck
- https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=21260965
- https://note.com/ririshimada/