ひずき 優Yuh Hizuki

2月6日生まれ。横浜出身。『REAL×FAKE』で2007年度ロマン大賞を受賞し、受賞作を改題した『キミのいる場所/-REAL×FAKE-』にてデビュー。主な作品に『アルカサルの恋物語』シリーズ、『書店男子と猫店主』シリーズ、『相棒は小学生 図書館の少女は新米刑事と謎を解く』、『推定失踪 まだ失くしていない君を』などがある。
Yuh Hizuki was born on February 6, in Yokohama. She won the 2007 Romance Award for REAL×FAKE, which was published under the title Kimi no iru basho: REAL×FAKE (The Place Where You Are: REAL×FAKE). Her major works include the Arukasaru no koimonogatari (Alcazar’s Love Story) series, Shoten danshi to neko tenshu (The Bookstore Boy and the Cat Shopkeeper) series, Aibō wa shōgakusei: toshokan no shōjo wa shinmai keiji to nazo zo toku (My Partner is an Elementary School Student: The Library Girl Solves Mysteries with a Novice Detective), and Suitei shissō: mada nakushiteinai kimi o (Presumably Missing: Finding You Back).
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/hizuki_yu