タヤンディエー ドゥニたやんでぃえー どぅにDenis Taillandier

<ruby>タヤンディエー ドゥニ<rp>(</rp><rt>たやんでぃえー どぅに</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby><small class="sfwj-profile-name-en">Denis Taillandier</small>

日本SFを海外に紹介するため、日本SFの作品を仏訳。編集・翻訳として、日本 SF傑作選仏訳版『La Machine à indifférence et autres nouvelles』や、フランスのSF雑誌『Galaxies』の特集号「日本SFの歴史」・「SFとナノテクノロジー」・「SFとAI」など。第8回日本SF評論賞選考委員特別賞。フランス日本研究学会、ヨーロッパ日本研究協会等会員。

Denis Taillandier was born in 1979 in France. He is Professor at Ritsumeikan University where he teaches French and Japanese Culture. He received his Ph.D. from Lyon 3 Jean-Moulin University in 2015, with a dissertation on the imagination of nanotechnology in Japanese SF. His research focuses on the dynamics between science and science fiction in contemporary Japan from the perspective of cultural studies.
He won the Jury’s Special Prize for the 8th Japan Science Fiction Criticism Award with the essay “Aramaki Yoshio no ‘buyo buyo kōgaku’ – SF, shururearisumu, soshite nanotekunorojī no imajinēshon (Aramaki Yoshio’s Flabby Engineering: Science Fiction, Surrealism, and the Nano Imagination), published in the May 2013 issue of SF Magazine. He has published several French translations of Japanese SF short stories from writers such as Shin’ichi Hoshi, Sayuri Ueda, Hirotaka Tobi, Taiyo Fujii, Fumio Takano, Yusuke Miyauchi, Toh Enjoe, Kazuhito Funato, and Takashi Kurata. He has edited several special issues of the French SF magazine Galaxies SF on Japanese science fiction (No. 39, 2016), SF & nanotechnology (No. 45, 2017), and SF & AI (No. 71, 2021). He has edited the first anthology of Japanese SF short stories in French translation, La Machine à indifférence et autres nouvelles (The Indifference Machine and Other Stories), published by Atelier Akatombo, and is currently editing a second volume.





高橋 文樹


ひずき 優