榎木 洋子Youko Enoki

Youko Enoki won the 1990 Cobalt Readers’ Award for Tokubetsu no natsuyasumi (A Special Summer Holiday). In 1991, she made her debut with Tōhō no majo (The Witch from the East), the first volume of her Ridāroisu (Rederloise) series. She writes mainly fantasy novels for girls. Her stories, which are set in worlds that she thoroughly explores over a thousand year, have been well received by readers and critics alike.
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/youko_e
- ホームページ:http://www.shuryu.com/top.html
- BOOTH:https://doracoluna.booth.pm/
- ピジョン・ブラッド : 影の王国集英社
- ヴェルアンの書 : シュ・ヴェルの呪い小学館
- 黒の騎士 : ダークローズ・プリンセス角川書店
- レティーシュ・ナイツ : 翡翠の王女小学館
- 緑のアルダ : 石占の娘集英社