藍銅 ツバメTsubame Rando

Tsubame Rando was born in Osaka in 1995. She graduated from the University of Tokushima’s faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. She was a student of the Genron Nozomu Ohmori Science Fiction Creation Course (4th term). She won the 4th Genron SF New Writer Award (Excellence) for Meme (Mirror Eyes). She won the Japan Fantasy Novel Award in 2021 for Koihime kon’intan (The Tale of the Carp Princess Marriage). Her recent works include “Niraya,” published in the April 2022 issue of Shosetsu Subaru; “Haruare fusuma kakuri (Spring Storm in the Sliding Door Mechanism),” published in the June 2022 issue of Shosetsu Shincho, and “Seirō hyakumonogatari (Tales of the Blue Wax),” published in the December 2022 issue of Shosetsu Shincho.
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/randotsubame
- instagram:https://www.instagram.com/randotsubame/