安野 貴博Takahiro Anno

1990年生まれ、東京都出身。第9回ハヤカワSFコンテストで「サーキット・スイッチャー」が優秀賞を受賞しデビュー。第六回星新一賞優秀賞受賞。東京大学工学部松尾研究室卒。2015年度未踏スーパークリエイターに認定され、チャットボットソリューションの株式会社BEDORE(現PKSHA Communication)の代表取締役を務めたのち、2018年にリーガルテックスタートアップのMNTSQを創業。M-1グランプリ2回戦敗退。
Takahiro Anno was born in Tokyo in 1990. He made his debut with “Sākitto suicchā (Circuit Switcher), which received the Excellence Award for the 9th Hayakawa SF Contest. He also won the 6th Shin’ichi Hoshi Award (Excellence Prize). He graduated from the Univerity of Tokyo’s faculty of Engineering. After serving as the Representative Director of BEDORE (now PKSHA Communication), a chatbot solution company that received the Super Creator endorsement by Muto (IPA), he founded MNTSQ, a legal tech startup in 2018. He participated twice to the Manzai M-1 Manzai Grand Prix, but was eliminated both times in the second round.