渡邊 利道Toshimichi Watanabe

1969年愛知県生まれ。2011年、「独身者たちの宴 上田早夕里『華竜の宮』論」で第7回日本SF評論賞〈優秀賞〉を受賞。2012年、「エヌ氏」で第3回創元SF短編賞〈飛浩隆賞〉を受賞。文庫解説や書評などを執筆。
Toshimichi Watanabe was born in Aichi, in 1969. He won the 7th Japan SF Critic Award (Excellence Prize) in 2011 with “Dokushin tachi no utage: Ueda Sayuri ‘karyū no miya’ ron (A Bachelors’ Banquet: An Essay on Sayuri Ueda’s ‘The Place of Flower Dragons’).” In 2012, he won the 3rd Sogen SF Short Story Prize (special citation by Hirotaka Tobi) for “Enu shi (Mr. N).” He also writes essays, book reviews as well as postfaces.