伊野 隆之Takayuki Ino

小説家、「SF Prologue Wave」編集委員。『樹環惑星 ―ダイビング・オパリア―』(応募時タイトルは、「森の言葉/森への飛翔」)で第11回日本SF新人賞を受賞。同作は徳間文庫より刊行。最新作は、『ザイオン・イン・ジ・オクトモーフ〜イシュタルの虜囚、ネルガルの罠』(書苑新社)。
その他の作品に、「冷たい雨-A Grave with No Name-」(『短篇ベストコレクション 現代の小説2011』所収、徳間文庫)、「オネストマスク」(『ポストコロナのSF』、ハヤカワ文庫JA)、「月影のディスタンス」(「ナイトランド・クォータリー」vol.25所収、アトリエサード)、「カザロフ・ザ・パワード・ケース」(『再着装(リスリーヴ)の記憶〈エクリプス・フェイズ〉アンソロジー』所収、アトリエサード)、「サイエンス/フィクションをめぐる座談会」(共著、「SF Prologue Wave」所収)ほか多数。自身による翻訳で、短編作品を英語圏で発表している。
Takayuki Ino is a former Japanese government official who now lives with his wife and two cats in Huahin, Thailand. His first novel,”Jukan wakusei: Diving Oparlia (The Forest Planet Opalia)” won the 2009 Japan SF New Writer Award and was published in 2010. Since then,he has published dozens of short stories. His most recent works include “Honest mask,” published in the anthology “Posuto korona SF (Post-Covid SF),” published by Hayakawa, “Distance under the moon shade,” published in “Nightland Quarterly (Atelier Third)”, and “Kazarov in the Powered Case,” published in Atelier Third’s anthology “Memories of Resleeving.” His latest work is ”Zion in the Octomorph, a Prisoner of Ishtar and the Trap of Nergal: The Shared-World Novel of Eclipse Phase,” published July 2023.His first English short story, “The Dragon Sword of Valenharel,” appeared in the anthology Crunchy with Ketchup (WolfSinger Publications), was soon followed by “Ospray’s Sky,” published in Reckoning 6.