林 譲治Jyouji Hayashi

Jyouji Hayashi was born in Hokkaido in1962. After working as a clinical laboratory technologist, he made his debut as a writer in 1995 with the co-authored Dai nippon teikoku ōshū dengeki sakusen (The Empire of Japan’s European Blitzkrieg Operation). He lives with his wife and their cat, Kotaro. Since 2000, he has been working on the AADD series, which includes The Ouroboros Wave and Sutoringā no chinmoku (Stringer’s Silence), as well Shōwakusei 2162DS no nazo (The Mystery of Asteroid 2162DS). His latest series is Seikei izumo no heitan (The Military Logistics of Star System Izumo), published by Hayakawa Shobō, which won both the 41st Japan SF Grand Prize and the 52nd Seiun Award. In 2020, he launched the project of an anthology entitled Posuto korona SF (Post-Covid SF), in collaboration with the SFWJ and Hayakawa shobō.