揚羽 はなHana Ageha

ゲンロン大森望SF創作講座出身。同講座で執筆した作品を改稿した「Meteobacteria」で2019年に第6回日経「星新一賞」優秀賞(アマダホールディングス賞)を受賞。SFメディアVG+(バゴプラ)の主催するオンラインSF誌Kaguya Planetの第1回掲載作である「また、来てね!」は、英訳後英『Schlock! Webzine: Vol 16 Issue 22』に掲載され、Kaguya Planet発の最初の海外誌掲載作となった。
2021年日本SF作家クラブに入会後、第1回「日本SF作家クラブの小さな小説コンテスト」で審査員を務めたのち、2022年10月からは日本SF作家クラブ事務局長に就任。日本SF作家クラブ編『2084年のSF』に短編「The Plastic World」、『小説すばる2022年6月号』に掌編「手のひらダンゴムシ」を寄稿。ゲンロン大森望SF創作講座受講生の作る同人誌『Sci-Fire』にも参加するなど、精力的に活動に取り組んでいる。
Hana Ageha is a science fiction writer who served as the 26th SFWJ’s Head of Secretariat. She started her career while working as a pharmaceutical consultant for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic products. She attended the Nozomu Ohmori Science Fiction Creative Writing Course Genron. In 2019, she won the 6th Nikkei Shin’ichi Hoshi Award (Excellence Prize) for “Meteobacteria,” a revised version of a work she wrote during the Genron course. Her short story “Mata, kite ne! (See You Again!),” published in Kaguya Planet, an online SF magazine sponsored by SF Media VG+, was translated into English and released in Schlock! Webzine (Vol. 16, No. 22). After joining the SFWJ in 2021, she served as a member of the selection committee for the first SFWJ Small Novel Contest. She contributed to the anthology 2084 nen no SF (SF from 2084), edited by the SFWJ, with “The Plastic World;” and to the magazine Shosetsu Subaru (June 2022) with “Tenohira dangomushi (The Hand Pill Bug).” She also contributes to Sci-Fire, a fanzine created by students of the Nozomu Ohmori Science Fiction Creative Writing Course Genron.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ageha0hana