石和 義之Yoshiyuki Ishiwa

Yoshiyuki Ishiwa was born in 1962. When he was in elementary school (during the Showa era), he discovered science fiction by reading illustrated versions for children of Heinlein’s The Door into Summer and Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas. He then avidly read the works of Sakyo Komatsu, Kazumasa Hirai, Yasutaka Tsutsui, and others. He has fallen in love with the Showa era spirit. He won the 4th Japan SF Critic Award (Excellence) with an essay on Asimov (again, Showa!). After winning the prize, he began to write for various newspapers, but he has had a hard time adapting to the post-1990’s style (yes, post-Showa!) and the “digital” or “AI” era. He is still writing in a Showa (always!) spirit, because it is precisely this gap between generations and styles (which probably comes from the irreconcilable difference between the contemporary digital situation and the analog body) that motivates him as a writer. If there is a way science fiction can let people enjoy a casual regression into childhood, then it is really a good thing – according to him.