荒巻 義雄あらまき よしおYoshio Aramaki

荒巻義雄(あらまき・よしお)  小樽市生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部心理学専修卒業後、出版社勤務を経て、家業を継ぐために帰郷。仕事上の必要から北海学園大学短期大学部土木科を卒業。65年から同人誌『CORE』でSFの執筆を始める。70年、評論「術の小説論」を「SFマガジン」5月号に、短編小説「大いなる正午」を同誌8月号に発表してデビュー。72年、短編「白壁の文字は夕陽に映える」で第3回星雲賞日本短編部門を受賞。同年刊行の第一長編『白き日、旅立てば不死』(早川書房)が翌年の第1回泉鏡花文学賞の最終候補作となる。2011年刊行の詩集『骸骨半島』(林檎屋文庫)で第46回北海道新聞文学賞詩部門を受賞。2014年、北海道立文学館で「荒巻義雄の世界展」開催。日本SF大賞では、2014年の『定本荒巻義雄メタSF全集』(彩流社)で第36回、2017年の『もはや宇宙は迷宮の鏡のように』(白樹直哉シリーズ完結編)で第38回の最終候補作。2022年、評論集『SFする思考』で第43回日本SF大賞受賞。  他の著作に『神聖代』、『空白の十字架』、『黄金繭の睡り』、『神鳴る永遠の回帰』、『ニセコ要塞1986』、『紺碧の艦隊』、『カストロバルバ――エッシャー宇宙の探偵局』、『出雲國国譲りの謎』、殺人事件』、評論『シミュレーション小説の発見』など。 付記 自著英文翻訳  the blue sun /STRANGE PLASMA NO.4 Soft Clocks/interzone NO.27  The Blue Sun/ FICTION INTERNATIONAL NO.24 Soft Clocks/New Jananese Fiction Summer 2002  WAR IN THE PONRAPPE ISLANDS/When The Musics Over  SOFT CLOCKS/THE BIG BOOK OF SCIENCE FICTION THE SACRED ERA/University of Minnesota Press  A Theory of the Novel as Kunst/Mechamia:Second Arc,Vol.14.1

Yoshio Aramaki was born in Otaru. After graduating in Psychology from Waseda University. He worked for a publishing company in Tokyo before returning home to take over the family business. In 1965, he began writing science fiction for the fanzine CORE, and made his debut in 1970 with the essay “Jutsu no shōsetsu-ron (A Theory of the Novel as Kunst),” and the short story “Ōinaru shōgo (The Great Noon),” which were both published in published in SF Magazine. In 1972, he won the 3rd Nebula Award (Japanese short story category) for “Shirakabe no moji wa yūhi ni haeru (The Letters on the White Wall Reflect the Setting Sun).” His first full-length novel, Shiroki hi tabidateba fushi (A White Day Trip toward Immortality), published in 1972 by Hayakawa shobo, was shortlisted for the 1st Izumi Kyoka Prize for Literature the following year. In 2011, his poem collection Gaikotsu Hantō (Skeleton Peninsula), published by Ringoya bunko won the 46th Hokkaido Simbun Literature Award in the poetry category. In 2014, the Aramaki Yoshio no sekai (The World of Yoshio Aramaki) Exhibition was held at the Hokkaido Museum of Literature. His collection of early works Teihon Aramaki Yoshio meta-SF zenshū (The Complete Collection of Aramaki Yoshio’s Meta-SF Works – Revised Edition) and the novel Mohaya uchū wa meikyū no kagami no yō ni (The Universe Is Nothing But a Maze of Mirrors) were both selected for the Japan SF Grand Prize, and he won the 43rd edition in 2023 for his collected essays SF suru shikō (The SF Way of Thinking). His other works include Sinseidai, translated in English as The Sacred Era (U. of Minnesota Press), Kūhaku no jūjika (The Empty Cross), Ōgon mayu no nemuri (The Sleep of the Golden Cocoon), Kami naru eien no kaiki (The Thundering Divine of the Eternal Return), Niseko yōsai (Niseko Fortress), Konpeki no kantai (Deep Blue Fleet), Casuturobaruba: Esshā uchū no tanteikyoku (Castrovalva: The Escher Universe Detective Bureau), Izumonokuni kuniyuzuri no nazo (The Transfer of Izumo Province Mystery), Otaru minato satsujin jiken (Murder in the Port of Otaru), and his essay Shimyurēshon shōsetsu no hakken (Discovering the Simulation Novel), among others.
Some of his works have been translated into English: “The Blue Sun,” published in Strange Plasma (No. 4) and Fiction International (No. 24); “Soft Clocks,” in Interzone (No. 27), in Review of Contemporary Fiction’s special issue “New Japanese Fiction” (Summer 2002), and in The Big Book of Science Fiction; “War in the Ponrappe Islands,” in the anthology When The Music’s Over; and “A Theory of the Novel as Kunst,” in Mechamia:Second Arc (Vol. 14, No. 1).

荒巻 義雄の新刊案内



新井 素子


池澤 春菜