藤井 太洋Taiyo Fujii

1971年生まれ。国際基督教大学を中途退学。舞台美術、イラストレーターなどの職を経たのち、2012年にスマートフォンで執筆した小説「Gene Mapper」を電子書籍として販売。当年のKindle本で最も販売数の多い小説となり、作家へと転身する。
2013年には早川書房より『オービタル・クラウド』を刊行。第35回日本SF大賞と第47回星雲賞日本長編部門を受賞する。デビュー作の『Gene Mapper -full build-』と短編集の『公正的戦闘規範』も日本SF大賞の最終候補作にノミネートされている。
Taiyo Fujii was born in Amami Oshima Island—that is, between Kyushu and Okinawa. He worked in stage design, desktop publishing, exhibition graphic design, and software development.
In 2012, Fujii self-published Gene Mapper; describes in detail VR communication, GMO plant and terror for infrastructure. Gene Mapper is serially in a digital format of his own design, and became Amazon.co.jp’s number one Kindle bestseller of that year. The novel was revised and republished by Hayakawa Publishing in 2013 and was nominated for the Nihon SF Taisho Award and the Seiun Award.
Second novel Orbital Cloud won the 35th Japan SF Grand Prize and 47th Japanese Nebula Awards.
In 2019, his second novelette collection Hello, World! won a mainstream literature award; Yoshikawa Eiji Literature Awards for Young Writers. In 2022, Fujii won second Japanese Nebula Awards with the Man-Kind which is serials published on Hayakawa SF Magazine.
Fujii attended the eighteenth president of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Japan, accompanied SFWJ, and developed connections with Science Fiction communities all over the world.
- 公式Webサイト:https://taiyolab.com
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/t_trace/
- Mastodon:https://ostatus.taiyolab.com/@taiyo