太田 忠司Tadashi Ohta

1959年名古屋生まれ。名古屋工業大学電気工学科卒。1981年、星新一ショートショートコンテストで「帰郷」が優秀作に選ばれる。1990年、長編ミステリ『僕の殺人(MY MURDER)』の出版をもって専業作家となる。2005年『黄金蝶ひとり(A fable about summer and children)』が第21回うつのみやこども賞を受賞。2022年、『麻倉玲一は信頼できない語り手(Reiichi Asakura is Unreliable narrator』が徳間文庫大賞2022を受賞。
Tadashi Ohta was born in Nagoya in 1959. He graduated from Nagoya Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. In 1981, his short story “Kikyō (Homecoming)” was selected for the excellence award at the Shin’ichi Hoshi Short Short Contest. In 1990, he published the novel Boku no satsujin (My Murder) and became a full-time writer. He won the 21st Utsunomiya Children Literature Award for Ōgon chō hitori (A Fable About Summer and Children). In 2022, he received the Tokuma Bunko Award for Asakura Reiichi wa shinrai dekinai katarite (Reiichi Asakura is an Unreliable Narrator).