斧田 小夜Sayo Onoda

また2016年には海外の文芸WebマガジンEASTERN IOWA REVIEWに”A certain record”(邦題:『あの夜のこと』)掲載、”The washing machine ate the socks”(邦題:『だってせんたっきさんがくつしたたべちゃったんだもん』)が”Insignia 2020:Best Asian Speculative Fiction”に掲載された。
Sayo Onoda is an author, software engineer, and photographer. In 2019, she won the 10th Sogen SF Short Story Prize (Excellence) for “Inchin shikatsu (Reckless),” and made her professional debut when the short story was published in 2021. Her first novel Gīku ni jū wa iranai (Geeks Don’t Need Guns) will be published by Hametsuha in 2022. In 2016, her short story “A Certain Record” (original title: “Ano yoru no koto”) appeared in the international literary web magazine EASTERN IOWA REVIEW, and “The Washing Machine Ate the Socks” (original title: “Datte sentakki-san ga kutsushita tabechattanda mon) was published in Insignia 2020: Best Asian Speculative Fiction.
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/pigya
- トウキョウ下町SF作家の会:https://shitamachi-sf-club.hateblo.jp/