吉田 隆一Ryuichi Yoshida

1971年東京生まれ。中学校の吹奏楽部でバリトンサックスを手にする。19歳からジャンルを横断した演奏活動を開始。現在は「SF+FREE JAZZ」バンド “blacksheep” を中心に、フリーランスの音楽家として数多くの場で演奏活動を行っている。
Ryuichi Yoshida was born in Tokyo in 1971. He played baritone saxophone in his junior high school brass band and started performing across genres at the age of 19. He currently plays in various venues as a freelance musician, mainly with the band Blacksheep, whose musical concept revolves around SF and free Jazz.
He has also written essays and columns on science fiction, including the preface to Tani Koshu’s Kōkū uchū gunshi – kanzeban (Space Force History: Complete Edition), and has organized projects focusing on science fiction and music.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/hi_doi/
- 作品のURL:https://www.doubtmusic.com/items/73372203
- 作品のサムネイル:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bnSJa0r30_EfoVlMVSSGhuQP5CqlmbPD