浅尾 典彦Norihiko Asao

SF、ファンタジー、ホラー、アニメなど“サブカルチャー系”映像世界とその周辺をこよなく愛し、それらを”文化”として昇華するため”の活動を関西で続けるFantastic Messenger夢人塔(むじんとう)の代表。1970年代より活動を開始。映画コレクター、自主映画、同人誌を経てプロライターへ。新聞・雑誌への掲載、映画会社の宣伝企画、DVDなどの協力、テレビ・ラジオの出演・製作、イベント・講演、専門学校講師、各種企画などグローバルな活動を続けている。
夢人塔サイト http://mujintou.jp/
Norihiko Asao is a representative of Mujintou (Fantastic Messenger), a collective that treasures subcultural visual worlds represented in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and anime, actively promoting them as proper cultural products in the Kansai area. Asao started his activities in the 1970s. After working as a movie collector, independent filmmaker, and writer for self-published magazines, he became a professional writer. He has been active on a global scale, writing for newspapers and magazines, cooperating with movie companies on promotional projects and on DVD releases, producing and appearing on TV and radio programs, giving conferences or lectures in professional schools, and planning various projects.
His works include Anime, tokushū, SF, eiga media tokuhon (An Anime, Special Effects, SF, and Movie Media Reader), the Raito noberu sakka no tsukurikata (How to Become a Light Novel Writer) series, Arisu in kurashikkusu (Alice in Classics), Gensō eiga hiroin daizukan (The Illustrated Book of Heroines in Fantastic Films), as well as short stories published in Seishinsha’s Cthulu anthology series. He also writes for several magazines, such as Night-land Quarterly and Talking Heads. He has produced films such as Ryūgū no tsukai (Necronomicon: Evocative Magic), Shinshaku kaminari (A New Interpretation of Kaminari), Guruguru gō (Roll and Go), and Omajinai (Charm). Recently, he has released a fantastic type of kyōgen entitled Mononoke kyōgen (rui) (A [type of] Spirit Kyogen). He is also a healer who has worked more than half a century in Toyonaka station.
Mujintou website: http://mujintou.jp/
- 夢人塔ホームページ http://mujintou.jp/
- 映画「龍宮之使」https://mujintou.jp/ryugu/
- アサオ整骨院(体機能復活研究所) https://mujintou.jp/asao/