村田 基Motoi Murata

Motoi Murata was born in Kyoto in 1950. He made his debut in 1986 with “Yama no ie (Mountain House),” published in SF Magazine. He mainly writes science fiction and horror stories. His first full-length work, Feminizumu no teikoku (The Feminist Empire),” depicts a future society where the positions of men and women are reversed, was unfortunately labelled as a masochist novel by the male editor who published it. This traumatic event prevented him from writing further full-length works. He has then shifted to writing theoretical essays. Twelve years after On the Origin of Species, Darwin published The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, in which he discussed the human species from the perspective of evolutionary theory. Since then, however, social Darwinism, eugenics, and racism have caused great tragedy in the world. That is why it is still almost taboo to discuss the human species or society based on evolutionary theory. Darwin had a wrong take on ethics. Correcting this mistake could lead to a truly scientific study of the human species and society, as well as bring the humanities together with the natural sciences. I explore such a perspective in my blog with the SF-like story “Dōtokukan no koperunikusu-teki tenkai (The Copernican Turn of Morality).”
- 「道徳観のコペルニクス的転回」https://muratamotoi2.blog.jp/
- 「村田基の逆転日記」http://muratamotoi.livedoor.blog/
- https://twitter.com/muratamotoiwr