門田 充宏Mitsuhiro Monden

2014年、「風牙」で第5回創元SF短編賞を受賞(高島雄哉「ランドスケープと夏の定理」と同時受賞)。18年、受賞作を表題とした短編連作『風牙』(東京創元社)で書籍デビュー。代表作は同書と同一設定の短編連作〈記憶翻訳者〉シリーズで、『風牙』を構成変更し二分冊とした『記憶翻訳者 いつか光になる』『記憶翻訳者 みなもとに還る』及び続編として『追憶の杜』がある。
Mitsuhiro Monden was born in Nemuro (Hokkaido) in 1967. He lived in Osaka from the age of 3 to 11, and then returned to Hokkaido, growing up in Nemuro and Otaru. After graduating from high school, he moved to Tokyo. In 2014, he won the 5th Sogen SF Short Story Prize for “Fuga” (along with Yuya Takashima’s “Landscape and The Summer Theorem”). In 2018, he made his book debut with a of short story collection entitled Fuga (Tokyo Sōgensha) that included his eponymous award-winning work. Since 2019, he is a member of the SFWJ and has served as a member of the administrative board for the third term. His most recent work is the high fantasy novel The Forsaken Princess (Sōgen suiri bunko).