高槻 真樹Maki Tatsuki

Maki Tatsuki is a SF critic and a researcher in film studies. He was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the 5th Japan SF Critic Award for his essay “Moji no nai SF: Isufēku o sagashite (Non-Written SF: In Search of Isphek).” He also won the Kusaka Sanzo Award at the 4th Sogen SF Short Story Prize for “Kyōren no onna shishō (The Woman Master of Mad Love).” His works include Senzen nihon SF eiga sōseiki (The Genesis of Pre-War Japanese Films) and Eiga tantei (Movie Detective), both published by Kawade shobō shinsha); as well as Katsudō benshi no eigashi (The History of Benshi), published by Alter Press.