柳ヶ瀬 舞Yanagase Mai

20年 『ユリイカ 2020年9月号 特集=女オタクの現在 ―推しとわたし―』(青土社)にて「腐女子はバッド・フェミニスト(?)」でライターデビュー
22年 SF Prologue Waveにて「翡翠の川」”River of The Jade”で小説家デビュー
Mai Yanagase was born in 1983. She started to write in 2020 with an essay entitled “Fujōshi wa baddo feminisuto (?) (Are Slashers Bad Feminists?)” published in the special issue of the magazine Eureka “Onna otaku no genzai – oshi to watashi (The Current State of Female Otaku – Me and my Faves.” She made her debut as a novelist with Hisui no kawa (The River of Jade), published by SF Prologue Wave.
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/yanagase_mai
- Facebook:https://fedibird.com/@yanagase_mai
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