Eli K.P. WilliamEli K.P. William

2015年近未来の東京を舞台にしたSF三部作『The Jubilee Cycle』の第一作
『Cash Crash Jubilee』で小説家デビュー。
著書に、第二作『The Naked World』(2017年刊行)、終刊『A Diamond Dream』(2023年刊行)がある。短編『Lost and Found Babies』が文芸雑誌「Monkey」に掲載され、『すばる』や『Writer’s Digest』など新聞や文芸雑誌、Webサイトに書評やエッセイも寄稿。
2020年 読売文学賞受賞作品『ある男』(著:平野啓一郎)の英訳『A Man』が刊行され、ベストセラーとなった。その他に、藤井太洋や星新一、宮沢賢治、星野道夫、日本を代表する作家の英訳が『Granta』や『The Southern Review』などに掲載され、共訳やエッセイ、短編、様々な文芸翻訳に数年に渡って携わってきた。
Eli K.P. William is a British-Canadian sci-fi novelist and translator of Japanese literature. He is the author of the Jubilee Cycle trilogy (Skyhorse Publishing), set in a dystopian future Tokyo where every action—from blinking to sexual intercourse—is intellectual property owned by corporations that charge licensing fees. The series includes Cash Crash Jubilee (2015), The Naked World (2017), and A Diamond Dream (2023). He also contributes book reviews and essays in both English and Japanese to such publications as Subaru, The Japan Times, and The Malahat Review.
Born in Toronto, Canada, he has spent most of his adult life in Japan. His translation of the Japanese novel, A Man (Crossing 2020) by Keiichiro Hirano, is a bestseller. He has also translated essays and short stories by some of Japan’s most renowned authors for Granta, The Southern Review, Kyoto Journal, and more.
He is the only member of the SFWJ who writes fiction in English and is also a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA).