山口 優Yu Yamaguchi
1981 年生まれ。東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻修了。現在、研究職。2009 年、『シ
ンギュラリティ・コンクェスト』で第 11 回日本 SF 新人賞を受賞しデビュー。2011 年には
『アルヴ・レズル -機械仕掛けの妖精たち-』が第 7 回 BOX-AiR 新人賞を受賞、アニメ化。
2022 年『星霊の艦隊』シリーズを刊行。
Yu Yamaguchi was born in 1981. He graduated in Physics from the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Science and is currently doing research. In 2009, he made his debut with Shingyurariti konkwesuto (Singularity Conquest), which won the 11th Japan Science Fiction New Writer Award. In 2011, Aruvu rezuru: kiaijikake no yōsei tachi (Arve Rezzle: Mechanized Fairies) won the 7th BOX-AiR New Writer Award and was adapted into an anime. In 2022, he published the Seiun no kantai (Nebula Fleet) series.