秋永 真琴あきなが まことMakoto Akinaga

作家。北海道在住。2009年『眠り王子と幻書の乙女』でデビュー。その後『ワンド オブ フォーチュン』『怪物館の管理人』などのファンタジー小説を発表する。2017年『行き先は特異点 年刊日本SF傑作選』に『古本屋の少女』収録。2018年『一万年の午後 創元日本SFアンソロジー』に『ブラッド・ナイト・ノワール』収録。近年は青春小説も発表し、好評を博している。

Makoto Akinaga is a writer who lives in Hokkaido. She made her debut in 2009 with Nemuriōji to gensho no otome (The Sleeping Prince and the Maiden From the Fantastic Book). She has since published several fantasy novels, including Wando obu fōchun (Wand of Fortune) and Kaibutsukan no kanrinin (The Monster Palace Concierge). Her short story “Furuhon’ya no shōjo (The Girl of the Secondhand Bookstore)” was included in the anthology Ikisaki wa tokuiten: nenkan nihon SF kessakusen (Next Stop: Singularity! Annual Collection of Japanese SF Masterpieces) in 2017; and “Buraddo naito nowāru (Blood Night Noir)” was included in Sōgen Japanese SF anthology Ichimannen no gogo (The Ten Thousand Year Afternoon) in 2018. She has recently published a coming-of-age novel which was well-received by readers and critics alike.





伊野 隆之


村田 基