久美 沙織Saori Kumi
1959年、岩手県盛岡市生まれ。上智大学在学中に小説家になる。『ガラスのスニーカー 』『薔薇の冠 銀の庭』『丘の家のミッキー』等の少女小説、『新人賞の獲り方おしえます』『書いてみよう! たった一度の人生を賢くすごす武器』等のノンフィクション、『MOTHER』『ドラゴンクエストV 』『小説エマ』等、ゲームやコミックのノベライズも多数執筆。SFファンタジー分野の作品としては『あけめやみ とじめやみ』『石の剣』『真珠たち』『ドラゴンファーム』シリーズなどがある。
Saori Kumi was born in Morioka (Iwate) in 1959. She became a novelist when she was studying at Sophia University. She has written girls’ novels such as Garasu no sunīkā (Glass Sneakers), Bara no kanmuri, gin no niwa (The Crown of Roses and the Silver Garden), the series Oka no ie no mikkī (Mickey from the Hill House); but also, non-fiction works such as Shinjinshō no torikata oshiemasu (I’ll Tell You How to Win the New Writer Award) and Kaite miyō! tatta ichido no jinsei o kashikoku sugosu buki (Let’s Write! A Weapon to live your one and only life wisely). She has also written numerous novelizations of video games and comic books, such as MOTHER, Dragon Quest V, or Emma. Her SF and Fantasy works include Akeme yami tojime yami (Darkness, Whether You Open Your Eyes or Not), Ishi no tsurugi (The Stone Sword), Shinju tachi (The Pearls), and the Dragon Farm series.